The tweaked map (not much of a difference eh?)
Another thing: As I was trying to attach the map I made, I discovered that I am not able to download the document because it's not in jpeg format. Ho-hum...
A wannabe blogger that needs a purpose to blog. Personal.Witty.Senseless.Funny.Shallow.Anything Under the Sun. A Celebration of Life.
The tweaked map (not much of a difference eh?)
Another thing: As I was trying to attach the map I made, I discovered that I am not able to download the document because it's not in jpeg format. Ho-hum...
This should be in aqua
Since I'm having orchids as a centerpiece, I decided to have the "summer " theme. Basically, the design is just orchids. My color motif is aqua/tiffany blue. My save the dates are aquamarine, my favors are aquamarine, my invites are semi aquamarine and my bridal party will be wearing a semi aqua-marine motif. I decided to get the summer theme in aqua color so that it gets to blend with everything.
Samples of White Aisle's work
A week ago, I ordered samples consisting of a place card, a table card, a menu card, and a wedding program. When I got the package they were all in different colors and none of them were in aqua. I knew about the possiblity of this happening because they mentioned that samples being ordered will just be taken from present orders they have which were in stock. Since their website mentioned about the vintage feel, I noticed that the edges of every card they had were "torn". The torn effect their products have though make it look like the make is of poor quality (this is my opinion).
Somehow, I expected more in terms of workmanship. I guess that's the con of ordering online. They all look nice at first but when you get a hold of it , you end up disappointed with what you see.
My being a blog stalker has made me discover that cupcakes are the "in" thing nowadays. For the past month, I have read several blogsites that revolve around cupcakes. First, I read my favorite blogger, Jen Lancaster, talk about cupcakes which then led me to another website about cupcakes called, "Cupcakes Take the cake ", then led me again to more and more cupcake blogsites. To top it all, while I was checking my brother's Flickr site, he had several pictures of cupcakes in different forms and colors. Hmmm...is this normal?I now believe that we are presently having our own little "cupcake culture" (which btw is another blog).
My curiosity about these cupcakes made me ask Alan if he wanted to have a little adventure in downtown Houston to check on two different cupcake shops. I wanted to know why people are so into it and if I could also be a fan of the so-called "in" thing.
Are people wanting cupcakes instead of the traditional cake because it limits the size and calories they're eating or people like cupcakes because they could eat more variety of cakes in a single blow as compared to a traditional cake wherein you're stuck having an entire 8 X 8 or 9 x 13 which we'll all be sick of after a couple of slices?
I'm off to my journey...
First stop: Sugar Baby's Cupcake Boutique
Located near my fave, Wholefoods, Sugar Baby's is a cute cupcake boutique shop. I like its retro-ish decor in black and pastels. When I went there though, there wasn't a huge selection of cupcakes . I ordered the velvet cupcake and my fiance fancied a plain choco cupcake with vanilla frosting. I guess the fun part of being in the shop is actually not about eating the cupcake but taking pictures of the new place. I feel that people go there, not because of their cupcakes, but because it was designed beautifully. The people in the shop are so friendly too. I recommend that you see the place. It's a little bit Serendipity-ish Rate: the velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting tasted good, I just ate it a little too late. (like after 2 days)
2nd Stop: The Cookie Jar Bakery
Rate: *
I was right! By Sunday, November 25, 2007, we were able to finalize our decision and we decided to hire Steve Tarver as our official photographer. Alan and I can't wait to work with them for our engagement shoot and the wedding.
***Note: This is not to ridicule the minister nor his company.
Alan and I have decided to use the holidays for planning, checking wedding vendors, and basically getting things accomplished.
The drive to Houston took 10ish hours. It wasn't that bad because we got to Kingwood at around 7:00. We were so tired so it was an early night for both of us.
The following day was work day for the fiance. Since I was stuck in the apartment I decided to make Chicken Pot Pie from scratch. In a semi-kinda-sorta way, I felt it was a success despite the dryness of the sauce (I left it in the oven while we went out for a breather--breather means like 4 hours).
Going back to the wedding, I tried Virginia's Bakery for a possible meeting to inquire about wedding cakes. Each call I made was answered by her very informative answering machine. Answering machine informed me that Virginia is booked til the third of December.
Finally, I got a hold of her. She seems warm enough and told me that we can have an appointment around January of next year. Okay...isn't she in demand? So here I go explaining my dilemma that I'm not from Houston. She did understand my concerns but I guess she told me, just in a nicer way, that I could have a meeting with her this January...still (didn't get my hint at all).
Setting: A Sunday that I don't remember. Apartment. Mood: my usual hermit self.
Watched the reruns of the show,Gossip Girl ,and I loved the version of GLAMOROUS.
Rating of the song: *** (3 stars) for creativity and "flossy"ness!
I've come across this blog written by a thirty year old woman. The blog started with the question," How do you know you've met the one?". Recently, I've been bombarded with negative things about married life including stories about being unfaithful due to not having strong feelings for the partner. Since I'm Miss In-love with Love, I'll try my very best to negate the negative things I'm hearing into a positive. Think math (a negative and a negative make it a positive)! I'm still not affected by all these negative things. I still have a positive outlook in love no matter how screwed up the stories I've been hearing are. To prove a point, I asked "the fiance" about this.
This is what he said:
"It's not about not having strong, crazy feelings for someone (this is a little bit edited but the gist is intact) or being inlove, it's about making a marriage work."
Then, while reading the blog I've mentioned earlier, the blogger asked her Mr. Right the same thing..."How do you know you've met the one?"
Here's what he said:
"There is no ONE. No one that exists out there in pure form, in spiritual perfection, in theoretical bliss. We make it the one every single day…in what we say to each other, in how we treat each other, in what we do together. On dog walks and in car rides, over dinners and through disagreements. So stop looking for some theoretical one out there in never-never land. And agree to make this the one, each and every day, with me."
Very well said. I rest my case.
iPod Touch Techie or not...the gadget is pretty impressive. Check out the new iPod Touch. It comes in 8 GB and 16 GB. They say that it's the same as the iPhone sans the phone. Hmm...should I or should I not? Christmas is just around the corner and I know someone who'll be quite happy to have this.
Hint: Not me.
It's November and I now feel the need for me to be seriously planning for the "Big Day". Months ago, I felt that I had everything covered just to realize that I've skipped a lot of the small details of the wedding. I've totally forgotten about the linen, I still haven't found my perfect invitation (although I have my Save the Date cards ready), I'm not sure if I want my ceremony to be outdoors or indoors, my wedding party isn't complete, I don't have an officiant, and I need to figure out if I should have a band ( if the budget permits) or not. Even my blog feels like a run-on sentence. It just is not wanting to end with so many things in my mind (still about the wedding).
So what have I been doing the entire time? Nothing. I told myself that I'd devote the weekends for my planning and I end up browsing through wedding websites, blogs, and other stuff that are totally not connected to what I am supposed to do. I've decided to take a couple of days off before the upcoming Thanksgiving holidays so I could go to Houston to atleast sort a few essential things out. Hopefully Alan and I could settle some stuff. The reason I think I'm in panic mode is because it's November. The month where it says on the Checklist that I should be done with the major Wedding Planning. Oh well...there goes my being organized. Flush it down the toilet.
I stumbled upon this website called the Little Black Book of Wedding Vendors and it shows a compilation of several wedding vendors across the US. It may be helpful for us in every aspect. I saw a nice link on wedding invites but the price is unbelievable. Again, it's way above my budget. Another nice link is Style Me Pretty. It also talks about wedding stuff . The site deals more on color palettes, designs, and decor.
Honestly, I love to browse through wedding blogs instead of just the plain wedding websites. It lets me hear how people feel about certain wedding things that they are endorsing. It's more personal. That's how blogging should be, right?
FYI: It's a Saturday. It's my "Think about the Wedding" day.
I had an encounter with a self-absorbed witch. It was so eerie. I promised myself not to ever write about people but I just can't help myself. This is way to0 good. Besides, I never said I was nice, right? So here we go Miss Chinny-chin-chin--- here's your portrait. Totally depicts you!Bwahahaha!!!!!! Boo!!! Trick or treat!
Happy Halloween guys!
Imagine a Prada Museum in the middle of the desert.
There's a place near my town wherein a lot of artists from all over the world congregate. It reminds me of a lower-scale Santa Fe, New Mexico. The name of the town is Marfa. For the past years, it has become an artsy-fartsy place. The town has been featured in Domino's and some Travel Magazines. It's a quaint town and as you drive through this long and winding road, you'd see a small museum. Yes, the museum is all about Prada. Some artist, I think, from Germany, decided to put it up in the middle of nowhere. Purpose of it? I don't know. This must be the reason why it's called "art" or maybe they don't want the devil to wear it.
FYI: the place has been vandalized several times and if there's anyone who's interested in stealing these Prada goods, tough luck, they're all glued to the shelves and display tables. Oh, and yeah, stealing isn't really a concern here. The people in this town don't know what Prada is anyway.
Prada at night
Courtesy of NY Times, some curious guy checking it out
a closer look at Prada at night
So, do you actually think Alan will feel this way when "zee beeg day" comes? HE BETTER NOT!!! Despite my bitchiness, quirks, moodiness, inconsistencies, and lax personality lies a sweet lit'l angel who's made out of 100% love. Bwahahaha! (enter evil laugh)
Alan, my love, you're in for a big surprise. I can't wait!!! Here's wishing and hoping for the best...because...because...WE'VE LEARNED! (bwahahahaha!---enter again, evil laugh)
Here's to not making sense and for postponing my blog about PRADA. I'll try tomorrow.
I'm still wondering what the cartoon is about but it's cute.
Setting: Apartment, on the phone talking to Alan. Alan is somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico.
Alan: I don't get it!
Me: Well, instead of them joining hands, they activate.
Alan: Huh??!!!
Me: Or...I think it's about incest.
Alan: Huh??!!!
Me: Yup, they're like brother and sister who got married.
Alan: You think?
Me: (digresses---off to another topic---conversation ends about this)
Guess what? El Paso has opened an Outlet Mall a week ago. Yeepee! Did you know that the nearest outlet mall that I actually go to is 8 hours away? So hurray that my traveling will be cut in half. Yes, dear folks, civilization is four hours away from where I live.
So, the deal with an Outlet Mall is---cheaper stuff during the holidays, bargains when you're out of money (although I don't know if an Outlet Mall is really a reason that we'd be saving money), and just traditional shopping for those who really enjoy it. Right, Alan? No more traveling to San Marcos.
The last time I was in El Paso was around September and I never heard that this was going on. The selection of shops are actually the same shops in other Outlet Malls...so, not bad!
Relevance of the blog: According to the Social Studies Textbook that I've been using to teach 3rd Graders, the Outlet Mall has something to do with Supply and Demand. With the growing population of El Paso, along with the hundreds of "across the bridge" visitors who also enjoy shopping, the city has to supply their people with their needs. Wal-mart isn't enough! People nowadays are going upscale (insert sarcasm). Bwahahaha! And for those who live in little towns like me, we all need a reason to escape and wash away our sorrows...by spending our hard earned money through shopping (don't forget---upscale shopping---again, insert sarcasm).
We all love shopping!
contents of my Cosmetic Bag
There are two things that happened that made me want to write about this. Maybe people who read my blog might say that this is totally shallow and useless BUT I emphasized that my blogs are shallow and entertaining (as long as we do have the same SHALLOW wave length). First, a colleague of mine said at the beginning of the school year,that there's something different with my face. I assumed she liked it. Next, is what my mother said a couple of days ago about my looking tired and haggard . She also added that maybe I might need a new beauty regimen to even the skin tone of my face.
Come on...give me a break. Make up your mind!
Relevance of this blog? Seriously readers... I has a point! Here are a few things that you'll find in my make-up kit. It's either some readers would check the links out or some readers would just make comments on how irrelevant this blog is.
1. Shiseido-Day Moisture Protection Enriched Sunscreen. It has SPF 15. I was at a Sephora looking for moisturizers when I came across this. It seems to be making wonders. Besides, moisturizer helps as a base when you apply your make-up.
2. Shiseido Pre Make-Up Cream with SPF 15. Well, I decided to get it after a year of using the moisturizer. At first you won't see the changes. Give it a few hours and you'll see how the make-up blends with with the cream. That's the secret to the "What did you do to your skin?" comment. I would've loved it if I replied with an "I'm so into BOTOX"!
3. MAC Studio Fix C4- a powder-slash -foundation combo in a compact. Slides smoothly on your face and it really does give you a perfect matte finish. I've used this for years. I think it's also time for me to get another one.
4. MAC Studio Finish Concealer NW 30- of course you need to cover the blemish that you have. I don't have perfect skin, hence, the other comment, "You look tired and your make-up doesn't compliment your skin tone". This concealer has made wonders to my skin in a camouflagy (pronounced camoufla-gee) kinda way. Hee-hee.
5.Clinique Matte Lipstick, Pink Chocolate 16- I've never used lipstick. I was actually happy not wearing any at all years ago, then I used lip balm, then to this. This red matte actually brings out your pucker lips. Quite good especially when people aren't really used to you wearing make-up. Alert: the color really stands out. Clinique has more subtle colors depending really on your taste.
These things are the basic stuff in my bag.
Reflection: Should I be changing the products I mentioned? I'm quite happy with my simple and sheer make-up. When people see me, it's as if I don't wear any make-up. But honestly, if you see me apply these things, that's really a lot of gunk put on one's face, don't you think?
Well, the ultimate beauty regimen is for ALL of us to get a good night's rest and drink lots if water . There's really no such thing as a Beauty Regimen.
Btw Mom, I know you meant well.:)
If there's one thing I want in my wedding, it would be a Candy Buffet. What inspired me to want a Candy Buffet is this show that I watched in VH1 named "My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding". There's this couple who had the buffet and their candies looked so elegant. They had glass jars of all sorts of sizes and shapes filled with candies and the candies were matching their color motif which was some dark reddish color. Along with the candies were metal candy scoops per jar. Flowers accented the buffet table and people of all ages were just flocking to it.
Although it's not a need, I feel that the candies are pretty nice to have as a party favor and as something your visitors could munch on while socializing. The kids will consider this a feast and will have a blast seeing loads of candies on a table.
Since I got so excited with the thought, I discovered this website, Candy Warehouse, that actually caters to these kinds of ideas. They even have their candies sorted in color themes. Of course, my surfing made me drool with all the candies I saw. My daydreaming started and I envisioned the buffet with white and blue candies.
I made a very obvious hint to Alan and he said that it's a good idea. Budget wise, I don't think it's that expensive. The need for it though is the one that's questionable. Think about it, who doesn't love sweets? Who doesn't want to have sugar overload la-dee-dah style?
So for those who love candies...check the pictures, links, and enjoy. Who knows...I might just get lucky.